From the course: Managing Brand Reputation

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Why recent reviews are important

Why recent reviews are important

From the course: Managing Brand Reputation

Why recent reviews are important

- Why are recent reviews important for your business? The more recent the review, the higher it appears in the search engine feed. Potential and current customers also see these reviews, and believe they're more relevant. Let's take a look at a sample Facebook business page for the fictional Landon Hotel. As we can see here, Freya recommended this hotel for their San Francisco location. She had lots of positives, but her only complaint was that, I wish they offered late checkout. This is a great way to see what your customers are asking for. And conversely, Henry had a wonderful time at the Landon Hotel. He was very impressed by the way the hotel staff handled his mother, who had special needs. And said that her room had everything she needed for her stay. What a wonderful review. Positive reviews push unpleasant reviews down or help to confirm older positive reviews. This will also recruit new customers to leave reviews. And the more positive reviews, lead to a happier business.
