From the course: Building an Integrated Online Marketing Plan

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Identifying customer groups

Identifying customer groups

- [Instructor] An effective way to target different customers is by identifying their needs. I want you to do something as we start this video. I want you to take 30 seconds and draw a picture of you on a great vacation. So what did you draw? Did you draw yourself on the beach? Did you draw yourself golfing? Or hiking in the mountains? Are you alone? Do you have people around you? You see this is an interesting way to find out what do people visualize is the perfect vacation. One company did this but then they also followed up with a series of statements where people had to agree or or disagree. These are called needs-based statements. You can recognize them if you are to agree or disagree with the statement that starts with I do, I like, or I prefer. Here's a few of the questions that were asked. I prefer to do my own vacation research. Yes or no? You see by answering questions like this and giving a value statement, it will help me understand what kind of person you are and what…
