From the course: Building Online Communities

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How to revive an older community

How to revive an older community

From the course: Building Online Communities

How to revive an older community

- How do you revive an older community that no longer sees engagement and/or has a declining number of community members? I often get asked this question, and the answer is incredibly simple. What isn't working? Here are five questions to help you pinpoint the issue. Are you creating regular content that's unique and not a repost from other platforms? It's a great way to give your community value that they wouldn't get anywhere else. When you repost too often from one platform to the other without customizing that content, it can look sloppy and your community can tell. This often happens when pushing content from Instagram to Facebook, where hashtags are used on Instagram and are not as commonly used on Facebook. Next, are you responding to comments in a timely fashion? When your community comments on content or on new product launches or news, it's best to respond back within a few days, or preferably, the same day. Your community should always feel that their opinion on relevant…
