From the course: Marketing to Diverse Audiences

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Does your audience believe your brand?

Does your audience believe your brand?

From the course: Marketing to Diverse Audiences

Does your audience believe your brand?

- So people like you. They like you a lot. They like you on social, they click on what you share. Your manager's super happy. That's awesome. Congrats. Thing is though, people like a lot of stuff. And sometimes they don't even know why they like it. It could be convenience. It could be how easy it is for them to get access to it. But, there has to be more. Likability is something you can aim for. But it's fairly shallow because people can change and figure out that they want newer things. I'll give you an example. Think about your favorite artist. Imagine they're going on tour. Is there a ticket too much? Is there a city you wouldn't go to see them in? Chances are, you'd find a way, even if it inconvenienced you, because that artist has done something that moved you. As a brand, that's your job. You have to figure out, how do you transition from simply being likable to having some form of currency that lets people see who you actually are. What you measure matters. But who your…
