From the course: Marketing to Generation Z

Digital pioneers vs. digital natives

From the course: Marketing to Generation Z

Digital pioneers vs. digital natives

(upbeat music) - Whenever we talk about Gen Z we obviously think of technology. And I can tell you, Jonah and I travel the world together. Whenever we walk into a new company, it doesn't matter where we are, immediately they're so excited to show Jonah their new technology. They'll say Jonah look at our new dashboard, or look at our new screens. No matter what new technology they have, it seems every time Jonah's response is a little bit of a wah-wah. - So yes, Gen Z is obviously very tech-savvy, but really we don't get all that excited about new technology because there's a big difference between how my generation perceives technology, and all of the other generations. The generations that came before Gen Z would be classified as digital pioneers. Each generation has pioneered for one aspect of technological advancement their whole lives. Compare that to Gen Z, we are truly digital natives. We're native to a world with smart technology, and we've never had to learn to accept technology. We simple expect it to be there to do anything. - So as marketers, if you want to connect with the digital native, you've got to go way beyond just having technology. It's about who's being smart with it. You have to show how sophisticated you are. Why did you choose that technology? How is it better than the rest? What times did you choose not to use technology because it wasn't sophisticated enough? That's the level of scrutiny you need to have in order to connect with the Gen Z native. - And we know that is so important, because 92% of Gen Z said that a company's technological sophistication would impact their desire to work with the company. - Hey if you're wondering whether or not you're sophisticated enough, look, you're already doing elearning with LinkedIn, so you're halfway there.
