From the course: Public Relations Foundations

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Creating ethical benchmarks in PR

Creating ethical benchmarks in PR

From the course: Public Relations Foundations

Creating ethical benchmarks in PR

- Words matter. For any PR professional starting out, I want to remind you of how important ethics are. The sheer volume of the messages you share and how quickly you have to respond to the public makes it difficult to track how ethical your messages are. And, if you do tweet something unethical, there are severe consequences. Sure, you can read the PRSA Code of Ethics and the AMA has ethical guidelines too. But here's where benchmarking your communication with ethical standards can really help. Start with the truth by asking yourself three simple questions about your communication and see if your answers pass the test. Even if a situation is embarrassing, do you tell the truth? Are you being authentic and not deceptive in what you share? Do you use open communication or find yourself making excuses? Let's try another ethical benchmark: objectivity. PR is in the business of news, so objectivity is important when you're building relationships. Ask these questions. Can you identify…
