From the course: Mailchimp Essential Training

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Resend an unopened Mailchimp campaign

Resend an unopened Mailchimp campaign - MailChimp Tutorial

From the course: Mailchimp Essential Training

Resend an unopened Mailchimp campaign

- [Narrator] Just because you send a campaign, doesn't mean that your audience will have the time or even the attention span to read it. Sometimes a campaign is important enough to try resending it to those who didn't open it. To resend the campaign to the people in your audience who may not have opened it the first time, you'll start by opening your campaign dashboard and then select the campaign that you want to resend. You can see that this campaign, the flavor of the week campaign, was sent already, and since some time has gone by, we want to resend it. To do this, you're going to first have to replicate it. Now this campaign is exactly the same as the first one, but we're going to adjust the audience. Click edit recipients. Let's select a new segment. We're going to ask that the contacts match on our campaign activity, and we'll choose the campaign that was already sent. This will create a segment of the audience that…
