From the course: Mailchimp Essential Training (2021)

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Add content to new Mailchimp campaigns

Add content to new Mailchimp campaigns - MailChimp Tutorial

From the course: Mailchimp Essential Training (2021)

Add content to new Mailchimp campaigns

- [Instructor] When you are designing an email campaign, you have loads of options in MailChimp. In this video, we're going to explore some of the content blocks that you can use to make your campaign pop in the inboxes. I've got a starting email campaign open here and we're going to skip right to the design. We'll click the Design Email button. When I started this email, I chose a regular campaign and now we can choose a template. Because I want to show you how to work with all of the design components built into MailChimp, we'll select a basic template. And here we have a basic email with just some boilerplate copy that we can work with. On the right side, you'll see that there are blocks that you can drag over to the left and add them into your email design. On the left side, you'll see your campaign design. Now this account has a logo associated with it, so that's why you're seeing one of the Two Trees logos at the…
