From the course: Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training

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Stores configuration, part 3

Stores configuration, part 3

- [Narrator] Let's take a look at the manual method to get conversion information, which is actually found in a different area of the back end. You don't have to follow along here if you'd like to keep your place. Just kind of watch for a second. I'm going to open up Stores here, the Stores tab. And in a new tab in this, in my browser I'm going to open Currency Rates. Then what you would do here is select, once again, the import service you want to use. And then simply click import. And, once you're done, assuming you are using multiple currencies on your website, you'll have a big table here with other currencies besides the US Dollar listed, and when you manually import the exchange rate information from whichever service you use, it'll show a list of everything and how it compares to one unit of whatever the default currency is for your website. And then you would want to, of course, save when you're done updating that information. Back to General Configuration. Next we have Store…
