From the course: Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training

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Stores configuration, part 2

Stores configuration, part 2

- [Instructor] This is another one of those situations where some of these options are going to be for slightly more advanced users. So in some cases, if you don't know what some of the options here mean, you probably shouldn't be playing around with them anyway. We'll take a look at a few. So, we're going to go through these one by one. URL options, this falls in line with what I was just saying. If you're not sure what Add Store Code to Urls or Auto-redirect to Base URL means, then just don't worry about them. In 99% of cases you're not going to really need to do anything here, so we're not going to worry about these for our basic store. We're going to keep these settings just as they are. We're going to use the system values. Same with search engine optimization, and this is kind of misleading because this doesn't really get too much into search engine optimization. But, Use Server Rewrites, we're just going to keep this as Yes, use system value. I may have unselected that from…
