From the course: Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training

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Related products, upsells, and cross-sells

Related products, upsells, and cross-sells

- [Instructor] There's one more topic we need to cover in regards to products and that's the topic of related products, up sells and cross sells. You've probably noticed this settings group in the products we've been creating. Before we start learning about what these are though and how to use them, let's fill out our site a little bit more for this and create one more coffee product. So we're going to add a simple product, the attribute set will be coffee, the product name will be Sumatra Select. This is going to be a higher priced, sort of premium coffee, this will be 20.99. We'll say we have 500 bags of this, and for that matter we should probably change this to one pound Sumatra Select just so that's clear and I'm going to change the SKU a little bit as I normally do to get rid of special characters in the spaces, this weighs one pound, this will go of course in the coffee category, visibility is fine, all of this is fine. For caffeine we're going to keep this as regular and we're…
