From the course: Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training

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Magento categories, part 2

Magento categories, part 2

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at a few more aspects of categories in CMS, namely creating subcategories of subcategories and reorganizing categories on our website. So, we do need a new category for our coffee, so first we're going to add a new subcategory to our Default Category, just as we've done for Mugs. So, we'll click Add Subcategory, making sure that Default Category is selected. The Category Name is going to be Coffee. For Content, we'll say the best coffees sourced from around the world. Display Setting, we'll go with Products only, Anchor Yes. As before, I'm going to do Price and Product Name. We'll take a look and see exactly what Position means in just a minute. Here, we're going to order by default by Product Name and we'll do $10 Navigation Price Step. Search Engine Optimization for our URL Key, we'll do coffee. For our Meta Title, we'll do Coffee, capital case. Meta Keywords, we'll just say coffee. Meta Description, I'll use our Page Description. I'm not going to…
