From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Finishing the side panel

Finishing the side panel - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Finishing the side panel

- [Instructor] So now that the side panels are modeled, there's just a little bit of cleanup to do. The very first thing I want to do however, is just to reset the work pane, 'cause as you can see, I positioned it here to help me to model this side panel, but now that that's complete, I can reset the work pane back to origin, and I'll do this by simply clicking on the work pane button up here. And before moving on with the next stage of modeling, I just need to fix a couple of small issues with the side panels. The first thing I need to fix is that there's a small problem in here with the beveling of the edge. You can see there's a bit of overlapping geometry, and that's going to cause some shading errors. And one way you can check for shading errors on a model is to switch to the reflection Open GR mode. And then if you use the control + 1 pie menu to just toggle the wireframe off, you can see we're having issues with the shading here where it's not smooth, and that's due to that…
