From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Curve sweep

Curve sweep

- [Man] In this video, we're going to be looking at creating procedural tubes. You can create tubes destructively using the tube tool, but the problem with that is that once you've dropped the tool, the tube shape is no longer editable. I'm just going to undo that. If you need something a bit more flexible, you need to create your tubes procedurally. So I'll start by creating a curve, I'm just going to click on the create curve tool, and just draw a curve out in the view port. Once that's done I'm going to hit cube to drop the tool. And then I'll rename this mesh to curve. And I'll hit N with my mouse over the item list to create a new mesh item, and I'll click this icon to open the mesh ops panel. And in this mesh we're going to create a flat cylinder shape that we can sweep along the curve. So I'm going to click on add operator, and I'm going to start typing cylinder, and when I locate the cylinder mesh op, I'm going to double-click to add it to my stack. I'm going to set the Y…
