From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Creating the switches

Creating the switches

- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to model the switches that go on the control panel. I've created a new empty mesh item and I've named it Switch and I also have my custom work plane which is aligned to the control panel active. So I'm going to run the cube primitive and I'm just going to draw out a flat rectangle conforming to the underlying graphic and then I'll just pull out to give it some depth and I'll just make sure that all these segments are set to one and with that done, I'll hit Q to drop the tool. I'll switch to Polygon mode and I'll select this face at the top of the cube. I hit the B key to activate the bevel tool and I'm also going to hit the zero key at the top of my keyboard, that brings up what's called the Advanced Tool Handles and I just find they're a bit easier to use when you're doing something that requires a lot of precision. So once I've beveled in just over half a millimeter, I hold Shift just to reactive the bevel tool on top of itself and this time…
