From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Mesh Constraints in Modo allow you to conform the shape of one mesh to the shape of a different mesh. Now, before I begin, I'm going to go to the Mesh Constraints button under the toolbar, and I'm going to hold Alt to reveal the options, click on that, and I'm just going to drag the Mesh Constraints popover and pin it. Now, in Polygon Mode, with the plane selected in the item list, I'm going to click on the Background option in Mesh Constraints. And then I'm going to set the Geometry Constraint to Vector. With that done, I hit the W key to activate the Move tool. As I drag the plane down, you can see that its geometry is conforming to the surface of the sphere, so I'll drop the Move tool. Next, I'll select the Ring object in the item list. With the Background Constraint still active, I'm going to reactivate the Move tool by hitting W, and I'm going to try and conform that to the surface of the sphere. Now, I'll just zoom in a little bit more to see things more clearly…
