From the course: Panasonic Lumix GH5: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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White balance

White balance

- Let's talk about white balance. Now the truth is that you're probably going to leave your camera on auto white balance most of the time, because frankly, auto white balance works. It's really, really good. But for those times when you do either need or want to take control, you got to understand how it works. So, let's take a look at the white balance settings that you have in the GH5, some of which are new to the GH5 and things you may have not seen before. To get into white balance we simply hit the white balance button and you'll see that we've got the camera pointed at a gray card here, which I've got to admit is not exactly exciting television, but it works. First of all, across the bottom of the screen you'll see it says AWB, that's Auto White Balance, so that's just full on automatic mode, great. Next to that is a new mode called AWBc, or Auto White Balance cool. It is a slightly cooler version of the auto white balance. Now, admittedly, here it's really hard to tell the…
