From the course: Panasonic Lumix GH5: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Post Focus

Post Focus

- Post focus mode is a unique and really fun mode to shoot with on the GH5 camera. Post focus works in 6K photo mode, which we just explained in the previous video, so if you're unclear on 6K photo mode, go back a step and be sure to watch that one first. In the post focus mode, the idea is that like shooting a 6K photo, we have what is technically a movie file without sound, shot in 4:3 aspect ratio, shot at 30 frames per second in 6K photo. Meaning that we have an 18 megapixel, still file that we can extract from this. Now the idea behind post focus is that you can shoot a scene and have the camera rack focus automatically through the scene so that you can go back in later and choose your focus point. So if you have a macro-setup, where you've got, say flowers and plants and a variety of objects in there and you're not really sure what would be the ideal place to focus on, you can shoot a single post focus image and then go back later and choose which point you wanted to focus on…
