From the course: Practical Linux for Network Engineers: Part 1

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Why text editors?

Why text editors?

When working with Linux its important that you get used to using text editors, such as VI and nano. We're gonna concentrate on using Nano in the course, which is an easier way to get started but it's worth your time of learning both nano and VI. So why is it important? The reason why, is that Linux uses configuration files and you can edit the configuration files which changes the behavior of your Linux server or Linux PC On a Cisco device such as a Cisco router, this is my Cisco router in my Genus 3 topology. You can see that it's running Cisco iOS software. We typically have a single configuration file. The running configuration which configures the network device. In other words, this router has an operating device which was booted from Flash but you change the behavior of the router by changing the running configuration. You save the running config as a startup config. When the router reboots it loads the startup config into running config and applies the configuration settings to…
