From the course: Linux Tips

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Exploring other shells

Exploring other shells - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Linux Tips

Exploring other shells

- [Instructor] In addition to very popular shells like Bash and C shell, there are many others, as well. You may choose to use an alternative shell because it's lightweight or because it works in a way that you prefer. While Bash is generally considered to be the most widespread shell, it's good to be familiar with some others, especially older options like the Bourne shell. When you're comparing shells, things can get pretty complicated pretty quickly. You can find tables online listing categories of features and individual functions that map how well the features are supported in the dozens or more of alternative shells, so if you're interested in the gory details, I recommend you look up such a table. In this episode, I want to talk about some of the general characteristics of alternative shells and leave you to explore specifics on your own. While all shells will let you run commands and work with files, other features can vary a lot from shell to shell. Most shells offer the…
