From the course: Linux Tips

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Exploring Fedora

Exploring Fedora - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Linux Tips

Exploring Fedora

- [Instructor] Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS are considered to be very stable in terms of Kernel versions, software versions, and tools. They move comparatively slowly, and they don't offer the most recent or cutting edge software, as soon as it becomes available. And updates to these distros between major versions are fairly minor. So in order to get newer software into the ecosystem, it needs to be introduced somewhere. And that's where Fedora comes in. Fedora acts as the proving ground for these tools as they're evaluated for inclusion into Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and eventually CentOS. Fedora is a good choice as a desktop operating system for developers, Linux enthusiasts, and people who don't mind doing a little bit of troubleshooting if the versions of software they use change and break things. That's not to say Fedora is unstable or unworkable. Far from it. But users looking for a set and forget sort of distro, or one that won't change much over the span of a few years…
