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Exploring CentOS

Exploring CentOS - Linux Tutorial

From the course: Linux Tips

Exploring CentOS

- [Instructor] CentOS, short for Community Enterprise Operating System, is part of the Red Hat ecosystem. The Red Hat ecosystem is made up primarily of three distros, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and CentOS. While Fedora is focused on new tools and versions of things, most of these updates make their way into Red Hat Enterprise Linux. And when they do all the Red Hat branding is stripped out and a new distribution called CentOS is built of those same components. CentOS is, in basically all but name, the same as Red Hat Enterprise Linux though it's supported by the community rather than by Red Hat and it's available to use without signing up for an account. Looking at it from the outside, CentOS seems like it's persistently old and lags behind what's new and cool. And, for the most part, it is. The goal of CentOS is to have a distribution that doesn't have big surprise changes between updates and that uses time tested and…
