From the course: Linux Tips

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- [Instructor] When we browse the web or request resources from remote servers often we're using a service called DNS or Domain Name System to match up names we request with the actual IP addresses of the servers that host the information we're after. If we request a resource by IP address we don't use DNS but if there's any kind of name like or the request uses DNS to look up the associated IP address for the resource. DNS is like the address book of the Internet. When someone hosts a website or a service like a mail server they also provide a DNS record that associates the domain name and the address of the server hosting the resource. When you request a site or a resource there's a lot of activity that goes on behind the scenes. Your request for a site is sent to a DNS server often hosted by your ISP, though sometimes it can be local to your network. If this DNS server doesn't know the address for…
