From the course: Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

Share your content - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

Share your content

- You've written a great piece, now what? Now you got to build an audience for it. One of the top ways you do that is by sharing your content. You've got to be out there sharing everything that you're writing. One of the things I like to do is as soon as a write a piece, I put it out on Twitter, on LinkedIn, on Facebook. That's to start, then you want to do things like talk about the people you're discussing in the story. So let's say I write a post about the engineering culture. How I've learned how to talk with engineers. I'm going to mention using the "@" symbol on Twitter and using LinkedIn mentions, the name of the person I'm talking about or other people that I think might be interested in this story. It's going to show up in their feeds, it's going to show up in emails to them. They're going to want to respond by sharing it with their own networks. They might have something they want to add. They might write their own posts off of it. Again, what you're trying to do here is start a conversation. And, you can't start a conversation in the vacuum. You have to have people around you who are willing to engage with your content. So sharing through all social networks is incredibly important. Make sure you're building an audience for your work.
