From the course: Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

Pay attention to your analytics - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

Pay attention to your analytics

- When you're writing, you're writing based off what you know. And you're using your heart and your head and your gut to be able to get it all out onto the screen. And when you're done, that's when you turn to the analytics. The data can really help you understand who you're reaching, whether you got to the right people and when the right times are for your next post. You can use the data to be a better writer. There are a couple different tools that I would encourage you to rely on. On LinkedIn, there's a page where you can get information for every single post about what industries you reach and what geographies your readers are in and what level of seniority they're at. A lot of writers use this to make sure they're reaching the audiences they were hoping to reach. We've got a CEO of a major healthcare company who only wants to reach doctors. He only wants to reach people in the healthcare industry. When he writes a post that does incredibly well, the first thing he does is look at his analytics and say, "did I reach people in the healthcare industry?" A post can be a giant post forum, but if you reach the wrong audience, it was a failure. The data can help you understand whether you're reaching the right audience. Before you start writing, you're always thinking about the audience you want to reach. The data tells you, "did I get to these people?" the data also helps you understand when the right time is for you to write, who your readers are, who are the people who are constantly sharing your work and talking about it because you want to engage with those people. They're the ones who are going to start the conversation based on what you were saying. You can use all kinds of data tools to help you schedule your post to be able to think about social media sharing. The data really gives you the ability to build this audience. So use it wisely.
