From the course: Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

Keep writing and sharing content - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

Keep writing and sharing content

- Writing is an incredible way to develop your brand, to build a following, to get your voice out there and share insights that you uniquely have. You should be doing it. Don't be afraid. You've got things to say, make sure you're saying 'em. When you get into the habit of writing and sharing, you start explaining who you are and how you think, and it makes people want to get to know you. It opens up doors and it creates opportunities, so the sooner you can get started doing it, the better off you're going to be. As you follow people, your LinkedIn feed's going to start filling up with other writers, employees, peers, people you've always wanted to connect with, who are giving you ideas or starting a community around topics that you care deeply about. Stay in touch. Follow me on LinkedIn and make sure that you highlight the post that you're writing. I can't wait to see what you're writing, follow your work. You've got great things to share. Get out there and start writing.
