From the course: Teaching with LinkedIn Learning

Faculty and LinkedIn flagship - LinkedIn Learning Tutorial

From the course: Teaching with LinkedIn Learning

Faculty and LinkedIn flagship

- What makes LinkedIn Learning a game-changer is its unique position to promote the most relevant skills content to its users. It does this through its connectivity to a learner's Flagship LinkedIn profile. Speaking of the Flagship platform, let's take a look at some of the ways higher-ed educators can utilize the profile to accomplish tasks with their students and promote their academic achievement. It all starts with LinkedIn's Economic Graph and how it ties into your students' workforce preparedness and post-graduation success. The Economic Graph focuses on six key areas, members, companies, jobs, skills, schools, and knowledge. The endgame of the Economic Graph is to create a digital mapping of the world's economy. In turn, this makes the job market more efficient through increased clarity of in-demand skills and promotes future skill readiness. So, what can higher ed educators do to support their current students on LinkedIn as it ties into the Economic Graph? Our biggest recommendation is to engage and mentor. First, make sure your students are on the platform. Have them look at it like a lifelong portfolio and resume in a single space. Then connect with your students on the platform. Demonstrate what a digital professional brand looks like, and promote the importance of your students' understanding in developing their own. You can even create a class group to have your students share best practices with one another. Post relevant articles and links to help keep them up to date on the industries they're pursuing. Better yet, evangelize your own thought leadership through your own article or post. These features can also benefit your own professional development by staying up to date on your network and their insights. Second, demonstrate the value of the school's university page, a space where students can find alumni and benefit from networking with past graduates. This will show your students the positives of embracing potential coaching opportunities to help boost their own outcomes. It's also an opportunity for alumni, possibly creating job or internship opportunities for your current students. Creating a professional network while in school is paramount to your students' post-graduation success. In addition to the alumni page, students can also participate in groups and subgroups on LinkedIn. These can be tied into your institution directly or the professional passion they have. While LinkedIn Learning is a great resource to develop skills and knowledge, the opportunities on the Flagship LinkedIn platform will be a continued benefit for your students' professional success.
