From the course: Teaching with LinkedIn Learning

Creating custom playlists - LinkedIn Learning Tutorial

From the course: Teaching with LinkedIn Learning

Creating custom playlists

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we took a look at collections. Here, let's check out learning paths, which are a group of courses or videos related to a specific topic, which usually are taken sequentially. I like to think of collections as a group of resources, whether that's videos or courses, that people can access if they want and pick and choose the ones relevant to them. A learning path is more of an assignment. It's a sequential order of videos and courses that you expect someone to take, and when they take it, they will have completed that learning path. Now, let's take a look at what a learning path is. Inside of the explore tab, I'm going to search for marketing. This brings us the courses, videos, and so on on the LinkedIn Learning platform, and on the left hand side, I want to scroll down to type and use the filter to filter it only for learning paths. Now, you'll notice that there are a ton of learning paths that already exist on the LinkedIn Learning platform. One here is become a marketing manager. I can scroll down and see more here that are related to marketing. I'm going to click on this top one, and it will bring me to the homepage for that learning path. Here, I can see the title, a description. It has the number of items that are contained here and the duration of the content, and if I scroll down, I can then see that content. The first step would be to take the course on leading a marketing team, after that, the course on marketing communications, and so on. Now, once you've completed each of these courses or watch all of the videos, you will have completed this learning path. Now, learning paths can also be recommended by clicking here, getting a sharable link, or recommending it to individuals or groups of learners, just like we did with courses and collections. Now, as a LinkedIn Learning admin, you also have the ability to create your own learning paths. Let's take a look at how to do this. So I'm going to go back up here to the learning paths section. You'll notice that I'm under the content tab, and then instead of explore, I want learning paths, and here, I already have one learning path that I've created, onboarding for new managers. If I open it up, you'll see here it is seven items with a duration of four hours and one minute. If I scroll down, you can see the content I have included, and in this case, I actually created one with two different sections. So here, I have one being a manager, a course, a video, a video, and then another section on being a leader, leadership blind spots, another course, another course, and so on. So if someone were to complete each of these courses and videos, they will have completed the onboarding for new managers learning path. Now, in order to create a new one, I'll go back to learning paths, and in the upper right corner, I'm going to click on create new. From here, we can first title the learning path. In this case, I'll title it new hire onboarding. Next, I'll enter in a description, and I'll paste one in that I already have written out. I want mine to be in the English language, and notice at the top here it says for a learning path, users explore content in a sequential order, and you can also click on this tab to learn more about best practices for using learning paths. Now, once I have mine created, I'll click create, and it creates a homepage for this learning path. Now, if I scroll down, you'll notice there is nothing inside of here. So right now, I can begin creating section one. I can actually title it and leave a description. If you want to create another section, you simply add add a new section right here, and you can add the title for that, as well as a description. Now, a lot of times, learning paths will have just one section. However, you could divide this up on different topics, perhaps one for week one, week two, week three, and so on. We can be creative and use the sections however you want. In this case, I'm going to delete section two and just stick with the first section. Now, up here, I'll click on add content to begin adding content to this learning path. First, I'll click on add existing content from LinkedIn Learning, and I want to include a video on driving workplace happiness. This is the one I want, so I'll click here to add it to that learning path. Then, I'm going to go back up here and select another one that is Microsoft teams essential training. So each of our employees will be using Microsoft teams, so I'll add that, and I'm going to close this out. So clearly, this isn't done, but I've added a few courses, and obviously, I recommend spending more time in this, determining the best courses for your learning path. Here, I'm just showing what to do. Now, when I'm done, I need to go up to the top and click on publish in order to save that. I currently have a learning path with two items, three hours and six minutes. I'll click publish, publish updates, and then if I navigate back to the learning paths tab, you'll notice here that we have our new hire onboarding learning path. Now, from here, again, I can recommend it right from this page or get a sharable link. One other thing I can do, and I want to go back in here, is I can edit it at any time. So if I go back in here, there isn't a place to add new content, but that's because we haven't yet began editing it. If I click up here on edit, I now can add content. Remember that when I clicked here, I had the option to add existing custom content or add new linked content. If I click on add new linked content, I get a different look. So here's where you can add some external content, perhaps a video, a blog, a website that you want to type in the URL. Here I have for our company, our company page. I'm going to copy this URL. I'll paste that up here, and then I could put in the skills that they will get. So let's just say new hire. New hire orientation will be the skill they'll get, and as you can see, it has populated here, a thumbnail image for it, a title. I don't like that title, so I can change that, a description, the URL and so on. I'm going to click save and publish, and you'll see that we have now added that down here to our learning path. So it's a link that I want people to visit in order to become familiarized with that company page. So if I navigate back now to learning paths, you can see here that we have two learning paths created that I can share out with users. So take advantage of learning paths as a great way to share out professional development around a specific objective, including content from multiple courses.
