From the course: Learning Tethered Shooting

What you should know before watching - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Learning Tethered Shooting

What you should know before watching

Before we jump into the specifics of tethering, let me just lay down a couple of ground rules. Some of the things you're going to want to be familiar with. Now I'm going to assume that you have a camera and that you are relatively familiar with your digital camera. I don't expect you to be an expert but make sure you can take some pictures with it. It could be a DSLR or point and shoot. It doesn't matter. And you're going to want to make sure that you know where your camera's USB cable is. Now some cameras are going to support hard wired tethering. And you can look this up on the manufacturer's website to see if your camera supports this option. You're also going to need to find a software application that's going to work with your particular camera. With that said, when it comes to software, don't worry about exactly which tool to use. I'm going to walk you through some of the major choices out there, including some of the utilities that tend to come with your camera itself. And we're going to look at both Canon and Nikon as well as just some other solutions that work with any camera, like wireless shooting with a specific WiFi SD card. So there's lots of choices out there. I would say watch the course first, then pick up your gear and come back and watch it again. Get familiar with the general concepts of tethering. You don't need to be perfect at this, but really wrap your head around what tethering can do and what it's good for, and then dig in deeper to your specific camera, checking in with the manufacturer's website to see what's out there, and to find a software solution that's going to work with your brand of shooting.
