From the course: Creating 360-Degree Panoramas and Interactive Tours


- I'm super excited because today, we're gonna explore one of my favorite types of photography, 360-degree panoramic photos. And, this type of photography is really rising in popularity, from things like virtual tours in real estate, to the ability to actually just travel to different locations that maybe you haven't seen before. Now, with 360-degree panoramic photography, there's a need for a lot of equipment. Maybe not this much equipment, but we're gonna actually gonna show you lots of things at different budget points. And, joining me today is one of the top panoramic photography experts, Ron Pepper. Ron, can you give folks a little bit about your background? - Yep, I'm also very excited to be here today because it is far and away my favorite kind of photography. Not only panoramic, but the full 360-degree panoramic photography. I've been doing it since about the early 2000s, and did it starting out just for fun, and then it became a profession, and ever since then, I've been capturing anything from homes to aerials to resorts to hospitals. And, a ton of fun, it's a good profession to be in, and it's becoming something that's more and more accessible because there's tools that are improving, the photographers are improving, the software's improving, the cameras are improving. And, we're going to show you a lot of those things during this course. - Yeah, there's a lot of different topics that we're going to look at today. And, let me just give you a quick overview of what we're gonna explore. Now, to get things started, we're gonna walk through some of the uses for 360-degree panoramic photography. This type of photography takes a little bit more effort a lot of times to create, and we'll walk you through who needs it, and what are the benefits to it. Once that's done, we're gonna talk about the different types of 360-degree photography. There's different ways of shooting it as well as projecting it, depending upon the type of end product you're looking to do. If it's for online use, or printing, or even just different types of technological delivery, it's important to understand some of the technology behind this. - [Ron] And, we're going to talk about the camera options, the types of lens you can use for this kind of photography, as well as specialty panoramic tripod heads, the types of leveling heads and tripods to use. We're going to get you started with everything you need for this kind of photography. - [Richard] We'll also walk you through essential settings to configure in your camera. There is a lot of technique, as well as technology at work here, and it's important that you get things configured properly. Once that's under control, Ron and I are gonna take you into a couple of different shooting environments, heading out into the field, where we'll make some real shots. We're gonna explore a commercial setting, such as a residence for real estate photography, we'll explore shooting outdoors in a few different environments, and just walk you through some practical tips when you get on location to think about. Once that's all done, we'll move into post-production, and show you how to get organized, and use popular Adobe software tools for some of the entry-level stuff. - [Ron] We're going to talk about professional tools as well, such as software for stitching images together, combining into HDR, and, of course, how to display them once they're created. - We've got a lot of ground to cover, a lot of great equipment, why don't we jump in, and start to explore 360-degree photography.
