From the course: Lightroom Classic CC: Presets Bundle

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Using the presets on your photos

Using the presets on your photos - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Classic CC: Presets Bundle

Using the presets on your photos

- [Instructor] Presets like those that I made for you offer a quick way to try out different looks on a photo or get a consistent style across multiple photos. Let's take a look at some ways that you can apply the presets I made for you to your own photos. The first thing you'll wanna do is preview some presets on a photo. So select a photo in the film strip, and then go to the Presets panel and open one of the LIL categories of presets. And then just hover over various presets, don't click, so that you can see how the presets look on the photo. And this way I'm able to choose between these similar presets, each of which creates one of those trendy teal orange looks that you see everywhere these days. I think I'll go with this one. And to apply a preset once you choose it, you just click on the preset. And when you do, that will move some controls over in the panels on the right. So if you want to, you can go over to the panels on the right and deconstruct whatever preset you just…
