From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Using Lightroom to creating a stylized look that prints well

Using Lightroom to creating a stylized look that prints well

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Using Lightroom to creating a stylized look that prints well

- Hey welcome to another episode of Photo Tools Weekly. In this episode we're gonna take a look at how we can work with a photograph that's back lit. That's bright and warm, And hear once more how we can process a photograph but still have good detail in the highlights. Well, let's dive in. Alright, let's start out here in Adobe Camera. This is a photograph I captured a couple days ago. You can see it's back lit, it's already really bright. But I wanna take that even further. I wanna create kind of a dream like look. So I'm gonna brighten up my exposure. In brightening this up, I know that I'm going really far with this. I also wanna increase my color temperature. And then I'm gonna drop down my vibrance and saturation. I'm doing this 'cause the person in the photograph is an actress. I kinda wanna have this cinematic dreamlike look that matches this project she's working on. Now whenever we craft a look like this, what we need to do at some point is make sure we have good detail in…
