From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Photoshop Fix to Photoshop CC workflow

Photoshop Fix to Photoshop CC workflow

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Photoshop Fix to Photoshop CC workflow

- [Voiceover] Hi, I'm Chris Orwig and welcome to another episode of Photo Tools Weekly. Thanks for joining me in this one. Here in this episode, I want to focus in on sharing a few tips in regards to a workflow that begins with Photoshop Fix on our mobile device and then we're going to jump over and finish the project off in Photoshop desktop. You know, the way we edit work on our images has really changed with the advent of all of these mobile apps. So let's take a look at how we can create a cohesive workflow. Here I'll begin by tapping on the icon for Photoshop Fix. Next, I've already brought in my image so I'll tap on the icon for that one in the upper left-hand corner. Now, the idea for the project is this photograph I captured of this guy jumping off the ladder out in the ocean. So I want to remove the ladder and also change the position of the guy. So a lot of times what I'll do with my mobile apps is just test out concepts like this here. So I'm gonna tap on the icon for…
