From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Enhancing the eyes in a portrait

Enhancing the eyes in a portrait

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Enhancing the eyes in a portrait

- Hello, my name is Chris Orwig. I am so grateful and glad that you've joined me on this week's episode of Photo Tools Weekly. Here in this episode, we're gonna focus in on two techniques that we can use in order to enhance eyes. So let's cut to the chase and see how we can do just that. Let's begin. You know, as they say "the eyes are the window to the soul." And a lot of times when we look at photographs that is the first place that we go. Often, as photographers, is it interesting to look at the eyes 'cause you can see how the photograph was lit. Here we can see the window. This is just window light. That's why it's so nice and soft. Well, what are a couple of techniques that we can use in order to enhance the eyes here? The first technique that I'm gonna highlight is Color Balance. Second is Curves. So with Color Balance we'll be creating two Color Balance adjustment layers. And we're gonna exaggerate for a moment and the look won't look amazing at first but just stick with me for…
