From the course: Management Tips

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The challenge of middle management

The challenge of middle management

From the course: Management Tips

The challenge of middle management

- Leadership is a noble calling, but remember, not all leadership roles, or levels, are the same. They all present unique challenges that frankly, are hard to understand until you get there. Probably the most interesting and challenging are roles in middle management. You can categorize the levels of management pretty well by thinking about frontline managers, middle managers and senior managers or executives. Frontline leadership usually refers to the first one or two levels that are very directly involved in production or service delivery. At the top, we have the executives who work on market strategy and stay focused on many internal and external metrics that describe the health of the organization. Leaders in both of these categories face many difficult challenges, but I still believe that middle managers have the hardest job. Middle managers have to find ways to execute strategy. They manage processes, attempt to create a positive work environment, look for operational…
