From the course: Finding Your Introvert/Extrovert Balance in the Workplace


- Hello and welcome to finding your introvert, extrovert balance in the workplace. We are so happy to have you join us for this course. My name is Brenda Baily Hughes. - And my name is Tatiana Kolovu. Brenda and I have co owned a successful consulting business for two decades and we believe that leveraging our introversion and extroversion is instrumental in our accomplishments. And our excellent working relationship. (laughing) - In this course we want to help you understand and maximize this power in your workplace. - [Tatiana] You will also learn the four key dimensions of introversion and extroversion so you understand yourself and others better. - [Brenda] Once you have a deeper understanding of introversion and extroversion, we'll explore strategies that help you make the most of your unique preferences regardless of where you fall on this introvert and extrovert spectrum. - [Tatiana] Now throughout this course, you will see how these dimensions, two of the most exhaustively researched subjects in personality psychology, are fundamentally different for the two of us. We will share real life examples with you and show you how leveraging introverted and extroverted strengths has been vital to our successful working relationship. - This course will help you effectively work with others. So let's get started.
