From the course: Management Tips

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Understanding strengths and weaknesses

Understanding strengths and weaknesses

From the course: Management Tips

Understanding strengths and weaknesses

Understanding self improvement begins with self awareness. On a self reflection and a good bit of feedback seeking behavior can do the trick. But even if you're among the few who build strong self awareness, you still face a tough decision. Do you improve yourself by building on your strengths or by improving areas of weakness. The strengths versus weakness argument has been going on for years. The perspective that is dominated the discussion until recently is that you become a better person by understanding and dealing with your weaknesses. So, if you're horrible at giving speeches, spend a lot of time learning how to give great speeches. If you're really bad at math, well it's time to hit the books. I don't want to say that approach is wrong per say. But there are two real downsides. First, while being honest about your strengths and weakness is good. You don't want to over focus on your imperfections. If you dwell too long on areas for improvement, your confidence is likely to take…
