From the course: Management Tips

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Progress not perfection

Progress not perfection

From the course: Management Tips

Progress not perfection

- Here's a tough lesson for a lot of hard working over achievers. Personal efficiency requires you to accept a little imperfection. I know that many professionals are hung up on doing excellent work, driven by type A personalities and perfectionist ideals. But professional life is all about navigating a never ending series of constraints. The boss needs it now. The customer wanted the report yesterday. A vendor was late. Who knows? There are unexpected challenges and constraints everywhere. There's no time for perfect. Once you recognize the downside of trying to be a perfectionist, the new goal is to choose when to care about the difference between really good work and truly great work. I am not advocating poor or barely acceptable work at all. I simply want you to acknowledge that you can't be your best self all the time. You have to be more strategic in the use of your limited energy. Think about it from a sports perspective. Let's say basketball. Even the greats, from Michael…
