From the course: Managing Experienced Managers

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Management strategy

Management strategy

- Balance is a necessary cornerstone for managing experienced leaders. It requires a different approach than managing other types of employees. A higher level of finesse, more give and take, a unique tone. So how can you achieve that balance? I've got five strategies you can use to increase the success of your seasoned leaders. First, build genuine relationships with them. Get to know them, the way they think, the way they handle challenges and adversity, find out what they love about their jobs and what they would change. What their aspirations for their future? Let them know that you care about their career goals and want to support them. The key is work to build trust with these experienced managers and encourage them to share openly with you. Ideally you want to develop a relationship where they feel comfortable expressing their concerns or being honest with you about their struggles. Second, invite them to participate in setting goals. Unlike leaders who are new on the job…
