From the course: Practicing Fairness as a Manager

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Interpersonal techniques for demonstrating fairness

Interpersonal techniques for demonstrating fairness

From the course: Practicing Fairness as a Manager

Interpersonal techniques for demonstrating fairness

- Let's say one of your employees was coming in a few minutes late here and there. No big deal, just a few minutes. And instead of sitting down with the employee to discuss it you decide to release a new rule that being late results in an automatic verbal warning. Naturally, the one employee feels the rule targeted her and she was right. She thinks it's unfair that you created a rule to target her. And while the rule maybe fair, you've lost this employee. Now that she perceives you as unfair, her performance will decline. The point is that sometimes your actions might but fair but there's a lot of interpersonal skills that go into being perceived as fair. Whether you're fair or not, how you go about doing things is what matters. So here are some interpersonal skills that will increase the perception of fairness in your employees. Take a step back and put yourself in everyone else's shoes. Consider what others might consider fair and what they think they might deserve. Weigh that…
