From the course: Practicing Fairness as a Manager

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Informational fairness

Informational fairness

- I'll never forget one of my management teachers in college. He kind of looked like he was trapped in the '80s with high tops and acid wash jeans, and a big gold medallion hanging over his Members Only jacket. He used to pace the floor while he lectured, and he was really hyper and enthusiastic. I still remember many of his lessons, and one of them was all about how people want to understand where they fit on a manufacturing line. He said, in a doll factory, for example, the person who plugs the right arm into the body wants to know when the left arm gets plugged in, and the head, and the legs. They want to know what happens before and after their leg. He was speaking to the fact that people need information. People need to know the why. They need to know the before and after, and the logistics behind their job. You know that "do it because I said so" isn't a good management tactic. Employees don't enjoy being kept out of the loop, and they don't follow leaders blindly. Transparency…
