From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips

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How to cut back on social media

How to cut back on social media

From the course: Personal Effectiveness Tips

How to cut back on social media

- There are a lot of great things about social media. It enables you to keep in touch with past colleagues, stay top of mind for potential clients, and brand yourself based on the content you share. But a little goes a long way. It is easy to convince ourselves that spending time on social media is work. And if you're a social media consultant, then, yes it is. But for the rest of us, the key is doing just enough to reap the benefits of social engagement without getting into the rabbit hole of wasted time. If you think you might be spending just a little too much time on social channels, here are a few things you can do to cut back. First, make it harder for yourself. You may have social media apps on your phone, and it is easy to find yourself checking one thing really quick and then getting distracted and spending way more time than you had intended. You can remove the temptation entirely by deleting the apps. Of course, you still can and should engage a little bit. But if you're…
