From the course: Management Tips

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How to admit you’re wrong

How to admit you’re wrong

From the course: Management Tips

How to admit you’re wrong

- Let me ask you a question. Can you admit that, like me, you're imperfect? You make an occasional mistake. Sometimes, you say or do something that turns out to be wrong, or unproductive. And in doing so, rub someone the wrong way, right? It's true of all of us, yet we very often resist admitting we're wrong. There are many reasons we do this. One is that we absolutely can't stand the idea that we might be wrong, so we dare not admit it. Another is that we love to avoid conflict, and we're worried that by bringing attention to our shortcomings, we're encouraging difficult conversations. Sometimes it's just easier to be quiet and hope nobody notices our mistakes. Or worse yet, if somebody does bring them up, we blame somebody else. Believe me, this is never a solid choice. Here's why you need to care about this issue. Real trust and deep conversations are always built on honesty and integrity. That can't happen if you can't admit when you're wrong. No matter how smart you are, no…
