From the course: Management Tips

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Hiring a few originals

Hiring a few originals

Hiring new employees has become a serious science in the last few decades. What used to be driven by intuition and a quick scan of a resume has rapidly evolved into a massive data collection and analysis project. We use competency models, personality tests, direct observation, IQ tests, behavioral interviewing. All sorts of data collection and interviewing techniques designed to see if the person is smart enough, has the right skills, and will fit with the team and culture. I love that we've become more sophisticated with hiring. Believe me, we need to hire correctly, because hiring someone is relatively easy, but firing someone when needed can be tremendously difficult. So I'd like to offer you a little advice on how to hire correctly. And I'm talking to hiring managers, but this applies to any professional associated with the hiring process. You're trying to find fit between the new person and the team and the company. The trouble is often you're understanding a fit. You see, fit is…
