From the course: Delivering Bad News Effectively

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Communicating your message effectively

Communicating your message effectively

From the course: Delivering Bad News Effectively

Communicating your message effectively

- Have you ever been in the position where you're talking to someone and they just don't get what you're saying? Or vice versa. You really can't connect with what they're saying. We all naturally communicate in different ways. And there are four key communication styles. Let's take a closer look to help you better understand each style. Analytical. People who prefer this communication style look at what's going on around them in a rational way. They like to systematically evaluate options looking at the impact of each option before objectively making decisions. People who are analytical are comfortable making recommendations and communicating their perspective to others. Empathetic. Those who prefer this communication style tend to make judgments based on a personal and subjective basis. And they have the ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes and understand what a situation must be like for that person. People who are empathetic communicate outwards with others based on…
