From the course: Management Tips

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Becoming a better listener

Becoming a better listener

From the course: Management Tips

Becoming a better listener

Remember the old saying, God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason? It's a good one. Listening is so fundamental to effective communication. And, yet we spend far too much time running our mouths, instead of attentively listening. Here's a little known communication secret. The best communicators listen more than they speak. Why is that so hard for everyone to figure out? When you're a good listener, you experience many benefits. You understand others better. You save time due to fewer communication errors, and you build stronger relationships because people like to feel that they've been heard. Those are great benefits, and they're free, if you know how to listen effectively. All really effective listeners follow these rules. First, don't multitask. In general, multitasking is not good. It dividies your attention and makes mental breakthroughs impossible. If someone is talking to you and you'r reading emails or texting. They will perceive you as not being present, as not…
