From the course: LINQPad Essential Training

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What sources are valid for LINQ to Objects

What sources are valid for LINQ to Objects - LINQ Tutorial

From the course: LINQPad Essential Training

What sources are valid for LINQ to Objects

- [Instructor] Remember to switch branches before continuing in this course, you want to switch to the main branch, on my machine, I'm currently on chapter three. So I'll use the GIT checkout command and switch to the main branch. I've said it many times, LINQPad is a tool for evaluating and running .net code, not just LINQ quarries. However, it is perfect for testing LINQ syntax, and it's got tools for all the LINQ flavors, LINQ to objects, LINQ to XML, and all the LINQ to database versions too. This is the chapter where we look at the LINQ tools and syntax. All LINQ queries need a data source. Here's mine online three. For this example, I'm using a list of T of type string and working with LINQ to objects that data source must implement I enumerable of T. Now there is one exception to that rule and that is the array class. What I'm doing here as on line five, I'm using the dump extension method to dump out the list…
