From the course: LINQPad Essential Training

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View any referenced class code with ILSpy

View any referenced class code with ILSpy - LINQ Tutorial

From the course: LINQPad Essential Training

View any referenced class code with ILSpy

- [Presenter] ILSpy is an open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler. This lets me look at the types that are inside any executable, or DLL. I should say any .NET executable or DLL. And it lets me decompile the codes, so I can get an idea of what code is actually in those methods. ILSpy is included in LINQPad. All I need to do to use it, is press F12. So, I'll start by looking at this type that I'm using in my assembly, ColorSource. And you right-click here, and look at query properties, I see I have a reference to this CourseLib.dll. So, now I'm going to disassemble that code, by clicking here, pressing F12. And I see that I'm working in this library. CourseLib version I can see the references that I'm using in my library. And I can see my namespace, and the types. So, here's the types that are in that assembly. CardSource, ColorFamily, which is an enum, or source. And I can expand these to…
