From the course: LINQPad Essential Training

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Understand the .linq file format

Understand the .linq file format - LINQ Tutorial

From the course: LINQPad Essential Training

Understand the .linq file format

- [Instructor] You can open any text, or code file in Linqpad, it functions a lot like any text editor does in this case, for example, I can open a JSON or an xml file, to view the contents of those files, it's the same for code files, and all these other file types. When you save a query, it saves that with its own file format, which contains additional metadata, and a Linqpad specific file extension, that extension is .lniq. Now one place that this extension is used as a Linqpad, is over here in my queries. You see, when I open this folder, any files that have the .lniq extension are shown in my queries. You notice how these match, however, let's go look on the Assets folder, so here I've got an xml file, I'll use this later in the course, I've also got some visual studio specific files here that I'll show you later in the course too, like there're some C-sharp files in here. You notice that if I go down and…
