From the course: Build Spring Boot Apps with the Kotlin Programming Language

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The concept of reflection

The concept of reflection

- [Instructor] Hello and welcome to chapter 20. This is the final chapter of this course. If you've stuck with me and got the whole way through, well done. It's been quite hard work, but finally, I'm going to talk about reflection. I've mentioned this term a few times throughout the course and I've been saying I will talk about it towards the end. Well, we finally reached that point. I guess I've saved this to the end because it's a bit of an advanced topic, and actually there's not that many obvious uses for reflection, but now that we've built some code, some workable code, there is a use for it in this code, which we'll be able to see when we get towards the end of this chapter. But before we get there, to understand what reflection is, I think I'm going to open one of our other projects. I think the Learning Kotlin project will do. I just want to have some empty space to work, and then we can create some classes here to learn about reflection, and then we'll go back to our main…
